Dear Readers,
Happy Tuesday!
This Week’s Progress:
This week, I continued the first drafts of both poems. I worked on one of them more than the other which is why I will share it with you all today! In the span of this week, I am going to edit the poem with I shared with you all today, and I will continue to work on the first draft of the other poem. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for this poem! Here it is:
Eternal Hope
When you realize
That a fire couldn’t burn a rose.
That this fire
Burned a family’s
Happiness, purpose,
And hope-
But not a rose.
It couldn’t burn
Through the fire
Rising in the scarlet petals
Even when gasping for air. It couldn't burn a rose
When it silently watched
3 generations Of possessions and Heritage
Helplessly burn to the ground.
It’s a short poem, but it means a lot!
~ Golden Ink